Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Law Preview

I first heard about Law Preview ( while reading "Law School Confidential" (a book I would recommend to all 0L's and anyone who is considering attending law school). It's basically a mini law school boot-camp that provides an overview of the subjects taught in the first year of law school. It takes place over the course of six days and they have classes all summer at various law schools across the country. Now, like anything else that has to do with law school and law school prep, this course isn't cheap. However, some super sleuthing allowed me to come across a need-based scholarship that would cover most of the cost of the class. Aside from filing out the application and providing supporting documentation, the only requirement is that once you become an attorney, you "pay it forward" and provide legal assistance to three needy people, free of charge. How great is that?!?!
After reviewing the website, reading the testimonials, and even emailing one of the students that attended the course, I became convinced that it would be something that would definitely give me an edge. I feel as though I need all the help I can get and I want to have a certain level of confidence once the "games" begin. Not to mention, if you attend the course, you get discounts on your first semester books AND free study aids.
So a couple of months ago, I sent in my application for the scholarship and imagine my delight a couple of days ago, when I received an email saying that I was chosen for the scholarship! I'm sure it's going to be a hectic week, full of lots of work, but I'm really excited to attend and will definitely make the most of the information I receive.
I will definitely provide a play-by-play of the course. I think it will be interesting!


  1. Please read, but don't post (unless you want to)

    Hi. I am going to be a 1L this fall as well. I commend and admire you for your perserverance. I wanted to let you know that I looked at the Law Preview thing and I found that a law school in my area does the same thing, but for waaaaaaay less. It is $460 if you're going to that school and only $660 if you're not. Compared to $1000+ I thought that was great. Downside: You only get five days. But still wanted to share what little knowledge I have garned. I look foward to following you and your story. If you ever need to vent in a non-blog, everyone can see everything I say way please feel free to email me:

    P.S. I couldn't find any other way to put this in this message without sounding pretentious, but I am a 21 year old African American female. And please don't think I am trying to come off as a know-it-all, I was just happy to find a current blog by a strong African American woman. Sorry I've rambled. If you want to just delete this and pretend I don't exists, feel free.

  2. I had a friend that did well his first year and went to Law Preview. I think it's a great program however, I'm sure with all the advice on the net that you could learn similar tips.

    For instance, if you have any questions feel free to ask me. Also, I'll be giving away some study aids to commenters throughout the summer so keep reading!
