Monday, December 21, 2009

One semester down, five more to go!

Overall, it wasn't as bad as some would have me believe. It was certainly a grueling 16 weeks, but it should be expected, as it is preparing me for what life will be like once I become a practicing attorney.

Finals time definitely made being on campus an anxiety-ridden experience. I made it a point NOT to spend too much time on campus. I did a lot of studying at home, which is HARD when there are so many distractions, like cleaning, the laundry that sat on my couch for WEEKS, and my television. However, the thought of flunking out of law school, wasting 16 plus weeks of time, and not to mention the student loan debt I'd already incurred, kept me quite motivated to remain focused on the task at hand.

Like all other law school students, I created outlines and used supplements and flash cards while studying. I also took practice exams, which for torts was a hilarious experience because I spent the night before my torts exam dreaming about the practice exam. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep, but once I cracked open the three page hypothetical, I was grateful that I'd taken the time to look at the practice exam because it was extremely helpful.

Overall, I feel like I had a good grasp of the material and I didn't have any real problems with issue spotting in the torts and contracts exams. Civ Pro was pretty straight forward and I actually enjoyed it (yeah, how weird is that?!?). I tried not to talk about the exam with my colleagues and you would think every law school student has heard that piece of advice at least once- but there was always someone who walked out of the exam room and immediately began talking about this, that or the third on the exam. I closed my ears and exited the building.

So, now comes that waiting. It seems our grades won't be posted until the second week of January, so that is plenty of time to wonder how well I did or didn't do. I'm trying not to think about it. Right now, I just want to enjoy the holidays and spending time with lil' mama.

Merry Christmas!

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