Tuesday, January 13, 2009

All it takes is a little effort!

Yesterday evening I attended an online chat with one of the schools to which I have applied. It was an opportunity to ask any questions I thought I might have and to also get $50 bucks off my seat deposit in the event I was accepted and decided to go to this particular school. I have attended several chats with a few schools and it never ceases to irritate me when folks sign on and ask questions that are specifically answered on the school's website. Usually, when those questions are asked, the moderator will say....go to this link-it's on our website! How much thought have you truly put into attending a school if you haven't even glanced at their website??? Then I begin to wonder what the moderator (usually an admissions director) thinks about one's lack of preparation for something as simple as an online chat? Do they correlate that to the effort one might put forth in law school? I doubt it- but I'm sure at the very least they, like me, feel some sort of irritation.

Meanwhile, I received a very nice, personalized, hand-written letter from my 80% school. I especially appreciate the personalization. I was reassured that I wouldn't be the ONLY single parent on campus AND the other parents provide support for each other with things like babysitting! Music to a mother's ears! They put forth the extra effort and it really makes me feel that they truly want me to attend. I think the only reason I haven't totally committed is because I have yet to receive any scholarship information. Supposedly I should know something by mid-February.

I have planned a campus visit for next Friday and it's possible they can convince me without the scholarship information. ;-)

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