Monday, January 12, 2009

Odds and Ends

This morning I had a meeting with my attorney (yes, the irony) to discuss my court ordered parenting plan. Many years ago I felt it necessary to file for sole legal and physical custody of my daughter as a C.Y.A. measure. I'm very glad that I did it, for many reasons, but now today my attorney and I are discussing the additional hoops I may have to jump through in order to attend law school.

I made a choice to forgo applying to the school that was in my city because I didn't feel like I would succeed there. To me, it wasn't a very welcoming environment and after visiting as many times as I had over the last 3 years, you would think I would have felt SOME level of comfort. At any rate, the school I am 80% sure I will be attending is approximately 2 hours away from my current residence and of all the schools I applied to, it's the second closest (the closest is about 1 hour away).

I realize this is just one more thing that I- a single parent and aspiring law student- have to deal with when trying to make this transition. Now I have to draft a letter to my child's father, advising him of the move and what little details I have about it. My only hope is that I don't get any resistance from him. I secretly believe he expected me to fail and not amount to anything once we split, so I'm sure he will not be happy to receive my good news.

We shall see......


  1. I hope it all goes smoothly!

    I'm glad to hear that you know the closest school would not be a good fit. It's something I wish some of my classmates would have done. I get tired of hearing how lame my school and city are.

  2. Thank you!

    If I would've settled and gone to the closest school, I'm sure I would be one of those people you speak of, LOL! I guess I saved some out-of-towners alot of grief
